Headaches During TBI Recovery


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Post-concussive headaches are very common following a head injury. However, they can differ in type and intensity depending on the severity of the injury. In addition, headaches following a brain injury can be worse if there is also damage to the neck.

Headaches are common after a traumatic brain injury. Depending on the severity of the head injury, the types and intensity of headaches can vary. Here are different types to look out for:

Strong Headaches:

In cases where a skull fracture or bleeding happens, strong headaches and nausea can follow because of the extreme pressure in the brain cavity. If these headaches are not controlled, the pressure can develop into additional severe brain damage. Therefore, medical treatment is crucial at this stage in order to relieve the pain and stop further consequences. 

In cases where there is no brain bleed, but the brain cells suffered damage, early-stage headaches are common and continue for months or even years. A CT scan is needed to determine what is causing the headache.

Post Traumatic Migraines:

After injuries, the worst type of headache can happen: migraines. Migraines are caused by the inflammation of the brain after an injury, which restricts the blood flow. When inflammation occurs, the symptoms of a migraine start to follow. This can include intense pain, problems with vision, noise and light sensitivity, and overall strong reactions to any stimulation.

Headaches Caused By Cervical Tension:

If there was also a neck injury along the TBI, cervical tension headaches could develop simultaneously with the migraine. These headaches usually start from the back of the neck and make all their way up to the top of the head, with sensations of pressure and pain reaching the front and sides of the head. 

Neuralgic Headaches Caused By Brain Damage

If brain nerve damage is also present in the head and upper neck, this type of headache can happen. They feel like a sharp stabbing (sometimes described as an “ice pick”) digging into the parts of the head affected by the injury and can involve tenderness to the scalp.

These headaches require medical treatment, and medication is necessary. This can add up to important expenses and interfere with a person’s quality of life. If you or a loved one is suffering due to someone else’s negligence, it’s essential to contact an experienced brain injury attorney to get you the compensation you deserve.